Ganar o Morir    Amo,      espero que al fijar el...

Ganar o Morir

Amo,  espero que al fijar el arma en mi caña tu pulso sea firme no tengas miedo por mi yo he nacido para el combate amarrarme pues, y que mi oponente sienta el frio acero de la muerte y si en la lid salgo victorioso conserva mi estirpe en tu gallera.

In Mexico creation and training of cockfighters is a tradition passed down from generation to generation. Genetically selected for their aggressiveness and endurance the life of these winged gladiators takes place between daily exercises, controlled diets, medical and aesthetic care. The pastor (trainer) follows roosters as professional athletes establishing a tight relationship with them. The dueño (owner) pays their careers spending thousands pesos for animals evaluated until 100,000 (about 5,000 euros). Veterinarians sponsor particular feed brands while navajas sellers (blades put on the cock rostrum) show the most sumptuous blades. When bookmakers have collected all los apuestas (bets), above music beers and screams, the game of Palenque (traditional Mexican cockfighting) can begin. At the end the relationship between man and rooster culminates in an arena where the announced epilogue is Ganar o Morir  (to win or to die). 

Marco Valle|Photographer

Documentary photographer
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